ANAVI Miracle Controller Successfully Crowdfunded!

Hip hip hooray! The crowdfunding campaign of ANAVI Miracle Controller at Crowd Supply was successful. It ended on 5 February 2020. We met all stretch goals.

ANAVI Miracle Controller is an ESP8266-powered Wi-Fi dev board to control two 5 V or two 12 V addressable (digital) LED strips like WS2812B, WS2812, WS2811, etc. Furthermore, mini OLED display and up to 3 I2C sensors can be attached. It has been certified by the Open Source Hardware Association.

We have already started manufacturing. The first and second batches of boards are ready. Right now we are testing and packaging them. The estimated shipping date remains the same – Mar 30, 2020. In the meantime you can still place pre-orders at the same prices. Crowd Supply will take care of the shipping for all orders placed during the crowdfunding campaign and pre-orders.

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HackSpace Magazine Covered ANAVI Miracle Controller

HackSpace is a monthly magazine for makers. We are very proud that issue 27 for February 2020 covered our open source hardware ANAVI Miracle Controller in section “Crowdfunding now”. You can buy HackSpace issue 27 or download it as a PDF for free.

ANAVI Miracle Controller is an open source hardware development board for simultaneously managing a couple of 5V or 12V addressable (digital) LED strips. Furthermore you can attach to it mini OLED display and up to 3 I2C sensor modules. The default firmware is available as an Arduino sketch at GitHub. Out of the box it is compatible with the popular open source automation software Home Assistant over the machine-to-machine protocol MQTT.

Right now we are running a crowding campaign at Crowd Supply to fund mass manufacturing of ANAVI Miracle Controller.  We hope you’ll jump in and help us develop further this entirely open source project!

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ANAVI Miracle Controller

ANAVI Miracle Controller is an open source hardware Wi-Fi development board powered by the ESP8266 and designed to control two 5 V or 12 V addressable LED strips simultaneously.

ANAVI Miracle Controller supports popular addressable LEDs including Neopixel, WS2811, WS2812B, TM1809, etc. It also has a dedicated slot for a mini OLED I²C display and slots for up to three additional I²C sensor modules. The default firmware is available at GitHub as an Arduino sketch implementing Home Assistant MQTT Light component.

Back in 2018 we created ANAVI Light Controller for low-cost 12V RGB LED strips. Inspired by a lot of people asking for open source hardware dev board for addressable LEDs strips we created ANAVI Miracle Controller.

Last week we launched a crowdfunding campaign for ANAVI Miracle Controller at Crowd Supply. Learn all the details here. We are ready for manufacturing and now we need your support. We hope you help us bring this entirely open source project to life!

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