ANAVI Handle was Certified as Open Source Hardware with UID BG000134

The Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA) officially certified our new gadget ANAVI Handle in April. ANAVI Handle is a small USB-C adapter with XIAO RP2040 that allows you to use Wii Nunchuk-compatible controllers as USB HID peripherals on your personal computer. You can configure ANAVI Handle to adapt the controller as a joystick, keyboard or a mouse.

OSHWA, a prominent U.S.-based non-profit, manages the Certified Projects Directory and annually hosts the prestigious Open Hardware Summit. Their certification program ensures that a project’s interpretation of “open source hardware” aligns with the community’s standards, promoting transparency and accessibility.

Each certified hardware version is identified by a unique identification number (UID) that includes a country code and a numerical sequence. On April 19th, ANAVI Handle version 1.0 was certified with the UID BG000134. This UID, displayed through the OSHW Certification Mark, simplifies navigation and information access for interested parties. The “BG” prefix indicates that the ANAVI Handle is from Plovdiv, Bulgaria, a city renowned as Bulgaria’s second-largest and Europe’s oldest continuously inhabited city, with over 6000 years of history.

Our projects, including the ANAVI Handle, are distinguished by our unwavering commitment to complete openness. Every aspect of our design and functionality is made accessible to all, reflecting the true spirit of the open-source community. From the KiCad-designed printed circuit board to the highly-configurable firmware powered by CircuitPython, we exclusively use free and open-source software.

We launched ANAVI Handle on the market through a successful crowdfunding campaign at Crowd Supply. Place your order now to be among the first to experience the ultimate open-source USB adapter for your Nunchuk controller!

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ANAVI Handle Crowdfunding Success: Kits Ready for Distribution and Available for Purchase

Exciting update, folks! The ANAVI Handle crowdfunding campaign wrapped up successfully a few weeks back. We’ve shipped all the kits to Crowd Supply’s warehouse, and they’re gearing up for distribution. In the next couple of weeks, orders will flow into Crowd Supply’s fulfillment system and be swiftly processed.

The ANAVI Handle is an open-source hardware USB adapter for the Nintendo Wiimote connector. Its open-source firmware transforms the Nunchuk controller into a USB mouse, keyboard, or joystick. If you missed out on the crowdfunding phase, don’t worry—you can still snag a kit from Crowd Supply.

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Plovdiv Game Jam 2024

Plovdiv Game Jam 2024 was an exciting and dynamic event that brought together a diverse group of over 150 passionate participants. Held from January 26 to 28 at the Technical University Sofia, branch Plovdiv, this game jam was part of Global Game Jam.

Plovdiv Game Jam 2024
Ralitsa Kostadinova inaugurated Plovdiv Game Jam 2024

The event was orchestrated by a dedicated team of volunteers who worked tirelessly to ensure its success. Throughout the weekend, participants formed teams and engaged in an intensive and inspiring game development process. As a testament to the collaborative spirit and creativity within the gaming community more than 30 impressive computer and board games were created.

Plovdiv Game Jam 2024
Assoc. Prof. Nikola Shakev delivered the opening address at Plovdiv Game Jam 2024

Plovdiv Game Jam 2024 started on Friday afternoon with six presentations. Leon Anavi had the opportunity to talk about ANAVI Handle, an open source hardware USB-C adapter for connection Nunchuk compatible controller to a personal computer. The printed circuit board has been designed with the open source software KiCad and relies on Seeed Studio XIAO module with Raspberry Pi RP2040 microcontroller. This is exactly the same microcontroller as in Raspberry Pi Pico.

ANAVI Handle with XIAO RP2040 and CircuitPython
Leon Anavi while explaining how to upload CircuitPython on XIAO RP2040

Nunchuk is a peripheral controller designed for use with Nintendo Wii and Wii U gaming consoles. Nunchuk connects to the Wii Remote through the communication bus I2C and a cord. It features an analog joystick, two buttons (C and Z), and an accelerometer. ANAVI Handle comes with an open source firmware written in CircuitPython to adapt a Nunchuk compatible controller as a joystick or a mouse for a personal computer. All schematics and source code are available in GitHub. The slides are in Bulgarian and are available at SlideShare.

ANAVI Handle with Nunchuk
ANAVI Handle with Nunchuk

After the presentations the theme of Global Game Jam and Plovdiv Game Jam was announced. For 2024 it was “Make me Laugh”. Participants registered and formed teams with up to 5 members. After 48 hours of hard work more than 30 computer and board games were presented at the main building of the Technical University of Plovdiv.

Plovdiv Game Jam 2024
Plovdiv Game Jam 2024 Closing Ceremony

Plovdiv Game Jam commenced its journey a decade ago, with its inaugural edition taking place in 2014. The 2024 edition achieved a milestone by breaking records in both participant numbers and the creation of games. The whole event was live streamed on YouTube and Twitch. Plovdiv Game Jam atmosphere buzzed with innovation, camaraderie, and the shared joy of bringing imaginative concepts to life. This amazing event not only provided a platform for fostering talent but also underscored the thriving game development culture in the region.

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