Recently Mike shared his an awesome home automation project with OpenHAB2 and ANAVI Thermometer.

ANAVI Thermometer is an ESP8266-powered, open source, Wi-Fi dev board with temperature and humidity sensors. It combines free and open source software with open source hardware. ANAVI Thermometer was brought to life thanks to a very successful crowdfunding campaign at Crowd Supply. Nowadays ANAVI Thermometer is available on sale at Crowd Supply as well as our other distributors.

The goal of Mike’s project is to provide smart control for four zone motors in ducted A/C system. Sonoff four-gang ITEAD switches manage the zone motors and several ANAVI Thermometers monitor the temperature and humidity. On the software side all these devices are managed through the popular open source home automation system OpenHAB 2.

Furthermore Mike designed a custom case for ANAVI Thermometer which is appropriate for 3D printing. He was kind enough to shared the STL files with the rest of the community in thingiverse.
If you have a 3D printer around, just grab the STL files and print this nice looking case for your ANAVI Thermometer!