Raspberry Pi Imager is a brand new free and open source tool for flashing operating system on a microSD card for your Raspberry Pi. It is written in C++ and QML. The source code is available at GitHub under Apache license.

Raspberry Pi Imager is available for download here. It works on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS and GNU/Linux distributions. It is super easy to use it:
- Select the operating system for your Raspberry Pi
- Select the microSD card (SD card for the first Raspberry Pi version)
- Click Write
Raspberry Pi Imager will automatically download, flash and verify the operating system on your microSD card. Have a look at the video for more details.
It is highly recommended to you Raspberry Pi Imager to flash microSD cards if you are using any of our open source hardware Raspberry Pi HATs: ANAVI Infrared pHAT, ANAVI Light pHAT, ANAVI Play pHAT, etc.